
A Very Fun Conversation with Yassine Meskhout

I talk with Subsack's "Public Defender, Saracen Invader" about law, psychosis, the GOP's future, online world vs. real world, the reality of violence, HBO's Deadwood, & more
Cross-post from Socratic Psychiatrist
Very cool and chill convo with psychiatrist Martin Greenwald. It was especially neat comparing notes from our respective fields. -

I had the pleasure of talking with Substacker and public defender

about a wide range of topics, including: from what it’s like being a public defender, working with mentally ill clients, psychosis and working with psychotic people, “Yassine Meskhout the failed Trump administration applicant”, TDS and his vendetta against Trump, our political backgrounds, party politics, can the GOP be fixed and how, me (poorly) pretending to be a political scientist, is there more crazy in politics now or is it just more visible, online vs real world discourse, violence and “video game logic”, and more. With any luck, I’ll drag him back for a part 2!

The conversation was recorded before the election but I think it’s all still relevant.

Yassine is a public defender with a delightfully informative and funny Substack where he covers the law, politics, and culture. I highly recommend subscribing!